St Mary's Uttoxeter

Please see the events page for details of all our special events 

Join us for Holy Communion 

8am on 2nd & 4th Sunday 

9.30am 1st, 2nd & 4th Sunday (3rd Sunday morning prayer)

6.00pm Evening Worship (informal) 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday 

Tuesday Toddler Group 9.30am - 11am 

10:30am Communion 1st and 3rd Wednesday (No Wednesday Communion during August)

Wednesday CofE Cafe 10am - 1pm Light lunches and weekly specials

St Mary's on the Heath 3pm Service on 1st Sunday of every month 

The clergy of this church are Rev Margaret Sherwin 07541993969 Rev Joe Cant 07592206706 Rev Jules Walker 07369216993

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” 

You can access articles which may be of interest in our News Section

Welcome to St Mary's Church

The Church is not the building, it is not the services; but the Body of Christ are the people of God - those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ and we continue to be united in fellowship by the Holy Spirit. 

Details of online for prayer & worship

Jesus said "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full"   John 10:10

We are part of the Church of England and express our living faith in Jesus Christ through our everyday lives, in our services of worship, and through activities serving the community.  We are in the Diocese of Lichfield, and aim to be a relevant Christian presence in the area of Uttoxeter.

Safeguarding - St Mary's is fully supportive of the House of Bishops' 'Promoting a Safer Church'; safeguarding policy. 

Any safeguarding concerns please contact Rev Margaret Sherwin or Rob Bradley Safeguarding Officer via 01889 562915

St Mary's School

St Mary's Cof E (A) First School This link will take you to our school website, with newsletters and details about all aspects of our lovely school. St Mary's School in Holly Road was established in 1906 and Church governors still play a big part in supporting the school to ensure that it offers a high standard of education to all the children, and one which is distinctively Christian. We have 8 Foundation Governors, who are serving as Christian members of local churches, and are approved by both the church PCC and the Diocese of Lichfield. The children come over to St Mary's church once each half term, usually on the last Friday morning, and each class or year group takes a turn leading with every child participating. Some of the y4 worship teams also come along to the Wednesday communion services. Classes also make use of "The Heath" church, e.g. to explore the services of baptism and of weddings - yes 2 of the children "get married in church" !!

If you would like to support our school, we'd love to have you. Please pray for us, maybe call in with a cake or some baking for our hard-working staff, or volunteer to listen to children read in class (once checks have been completed). Contact details are on the website or you can ask one of the Foundation Governors - the PCC know who we are!