St Mary's Uttoxeter

​A special purpose

8 Feb 2017 • Articles

A special purpose

Author: Lucy Mills

“The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” – words from God to the prophet Samuel, as the sons of Jesse are presented as candidates for kingship (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV).

Did the brothers even know, as they walked in front of Samuel, what it was they were auditioning for? There was no questionnaire to fill in, no CV to prepare. They didn’t have to give a PowerPoint presentation to explain why they would make a good king.

The first of Jesse’s sons looks so impressive to Samuel that he thinks this must be the one, but God responds by saying those words. The LORD looks at the heart.

It transpires that none of the seven sons who are present will do. They have to send for the youngest, a shepherd musician called David. Here, at last, is the one who is called for this purpose.

Someone may look perfect for a role. They may seem talented at it, yet not be called to do it – not now, or not in that particular way. You may think you are better at doing something than another person – you may even be right! But God, anointing another for that purpose, working through them in their weakness, will do far more through them than you could in your strength.

Conversely, people may think you are not qualified to do something – because of your age, your experience, your ability, your background or your gender. But God sees what you could be. God sees your potential, just as God saw David’s heart. God is not limited by human prejudice nor foiled by our weakness.

Sometimes we need to accept a calling even if it feels so unlike us, the thing we said we’d never do or swore we’d never manage. The thing that we’ve denounced as not our gift, the thing that makes our knees knock.

God chooses the weak to shame the strong, the foolish to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). God likes choosing the last over the first. Really, we should know that by now! If you don’t, be encouraged. God has a special concern for those who are not seen as important by the rest of the world. If you feel weak or inadequate, you are in the right place. For God has a special purpose for someone just like you.

In Jesus, God calls us all to know him. God created us and delights in us. God calls us here today to follow him, wherever it may lead. Whatever presumptions and assumptions we have about ourselves or about others – make no mistake, God will defy them all.

Let’s be open to the fact that the gap we think we could never fill, may, with God’s help, be just our size.