St Mary's Uttoxeter



16 Oct 2017 • Articles

Area Letter – Joys? Chores? Burdens?

by Lesley White, Area Team Coordinator, Uttoxeter Area of Parishes.

When Margaret led the second Area Vision Day in September, she prompted us to reflect on the joys, the chores and burdens of being in the church family - so here I am writing at the computer at 7am, awake because of the burden, a bit grumpy about the chore, but recognising the joy of this chance to write in the magazine again.

Twelve months' ago, I was a Lay Representative on the Area Mission Team, charged by Ted to support, encourage and challenge the "dog collars" who can get a bit out-of-touch with us ordinary folk sometimes? But God had a change of plan for me, and I am thoroughly enjoying my new role as the Area Team Coordinator. I am based in the office in St. Mary's Uttoxeter (which is also the church Andy and I joined 4 years ago), and I do a lot of admin tasks for them and for Margaret as Rector. As I meet people from other Area churches, I am also learning about their joys, chores and burdens and it has caused me to ponder more deeply what the Area really does mean for each church family.

For some people it seems to be just an extra administrative layer for the clergy and wardens to deal with. So many rural churches are struggling to grow new Christians, to engage with teenagers and young adults, and to reach those for whom Sunday is filled with work, being mum's taxi or visiting family, with no space for a time of collective worship. And there aren't enough people to fill the rotas and do all the chores, which keep each of our churches running.

Aren't there? Maybe that's what the Area can do, for each church - share the burden, the chore and the joy. Every Area-wide event in the last 2 years, has been a blessing to many of those who have been able to go. In the Area, there are talented musicians, those who love engaging with teenagers, great flower-arrangers, never mind the imaginative ways in which different churches manage their grounds, their finances, and their heating costs. So maybe that's what the Area can do for each of us. We can try to share our ideas, pool our talents, talk to each other and ask God to help us work in new ways.

Margaret, John and Joe are focussing on "communication" as a priority for the Area this year. Have you noticed? Have you talked to someone else about it? I'd love to hear from you, to know what your church's joys and chores and burdens are. Then we can celebrate, encourage and support each other altogether, as we grow in the Christian family and the Kingdom of God. After all, Jesus makes it quite clear what we're here for, in Matthew 28. "Go and make disciples!".