St Mary's Uttoxeter

Happy New Year

2 Jan 2018 • Articles

Happy New Year!

For many of us it’s the first day back at work and day two of putting our resolutions into practice.

I wonder how you are getting on?

For us reading through the bible in a year is an ongoing ambition, some days we miss, and some days we do two sessions!

Working out a prayer pattern is also an ongoing ambition and has varied over the years

I read an interesting story only this morning

A man reads his bible every day for 38 years

his daughter asks him, why do you read it your bible every day for so many years, surely you know it by now

He replied, I think of it like this, my wife has cooked me meals for 38 years every day, each one delicious…. I can't remember everyone but overall I am a really healthy person!

I also remember someone telling me the reason they do morning prayer each day, is not because they remember everything, or even feel like it sometimes, but because doing it each day is similar to the pickling process, the more you immerse the more pickled you become!!

Amusing stories with truth in them and so it is for us

Our intention is the main thing, we might ebb and flow of course but we can get back on track and keep going

Last year I listened to Pray as you Go each day, and now I can't miss it- this has helped my personal prayer life immensely

This year I am adding in the Bible in One Year from HTB, I do like the John Suchet readings of the bible and the short talks

Here are the links in case they are of interest there are app's for phones too

Whatever resolutions you have made, I pray that God would meet you in the moments of his divine grace, and that would provide sustenance for you throughout 2018

Mo Trudel : Director of Ministry at Work
t: @ministryatwork