Deanery Training Programme 2019
5 Dec 2018 • General news
This year’s theme for the Deanery Training Programme is ‘Worship’, so we are putting on various teaching sessions around why we do certain things, and practical workshops on how we do them.
Thursday 24th January, 7.30pm (Elkes Room, Uttoxeter St. Mary’s Church (USM), Bridge Street):‘What do we do in church, and why? – the symbolism of a service.’Led by Rev. John Jukes.
Tuesday 19th February, 7.30-9pm, St.Michael’s Church, Rocester: ‘Leading Prayers in Church.’Led by Peter Dixon, TSSF.
Thursday 14th March, 7.30pm, USM: ‘Sacraments and the Sacramental Universe.’Led by Rev. John Jukes.
Thursday 4th April, 7.30-9pm, St. Michael’s Church, Rocester: ‘How to read in church.’Led by Peter Dixon.
Thurs 27th June, 7.30pm, USM: ‘The Bible in the Eucharist.’Led by Rev. John Jukes.
Contact Joe Cant on 07952 798649 or to book a place (no cost, all free!!)