St Mary's Uttoxeter

Adult Messy Church Feb 2019

Adult Messy Church Feb 2019

8 Mar 2019 • Articles

Why? Well, we were adults, although it was open to all ages, and it was indeed a bit messy . . .

Our afternoon was loosely based on one of the ‘Pilgrim’ courses and focused on The Creed, exploring what we believe and how our faith can be lived out each day. We combined this with the ‘Messy Church’ concept of stories, food, craft and fun! Needless to day, we started with food. We were treated to delicious home-made soup with crusty bread and cheese. Thank you Ginny and Isabel. After that (no, not a snooze!) there was a brief introduction, describing the next steps and outlining the activities on offer. The Pilgrim Course we (sort of) followed was about Creeds, exploring what we as Christians believe, not only in the well-known Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, but what it all means to us personally. There was lots of free discussion, questions, answers, opinions and ideas, and, like all good Messy Church sessions, it came with plenty of activity! Four separate choices were on offer, each for about twenty minutes: ‘Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, lead by John Jukes, ‘Fully human, fully divine’ lead by Alison Hunt, ‘Crucified, risen and ascended’ lead by Maggie Hatchard, and ‘My personal creed’ with Wendy Scott. While discussions were going on, there were bead prayer bracelets to make, bookmarks to scratch, pictures to draw and colour, and our own creed to write. It was not necessary to do them all, which was just as well because some of us were so absorbed we couldn’t tear ourselves away. . .

The afternoon finished with tea and cake, and a chat together about what we had done, showing the results of our activities and reading a few of the ‘personal’ creeds that had been produced. 

All in all, an interesting, fascinating, rewarding afternoon. A big thank you to all who came, and looking forward to the next one!

Comments from the day:
“It was most enjoyable.” “Thank you. A great afternoon - and the soup was delicious”
“Good for us all to get together and talk about things that mean a lot.”

“Did we decide whether a creed is necessary?”
“Sometimes we say it without really thinking about it . . .”
“Loved the bracelets and the crosses. Really good idea.”
“The Trinity is a swiss roll. I like that.”
“I met people I didn’t know at all. Very good.”
“Thank you to everyone who organised it.”
“Did we all agree? No! The only thing we agreed upon is that we are all different!”
“When’s the next one?”

Here are some of the individual ‘personal’ creeds, written on the day:

I believe there is a God. For many centuries people have had belief in a God. Many great minds have pondered the question of belief, and come to the conclusion that God exists. I believe it is not possible to offer scientific proof of God’s Existence. Science and Theology answer different questions.

GOD IS LOVE and He knows everyone and everything. We are all important. JESUS - human but Divine. It needs courage to follow and serve.

I trust in His love I bow to His magnificence I pray for His comfort I live by His death Father, Son and Spirit I believe.

I believe in hope In love In friendship Thank you. Please hold my hand.

God the Father - in his love he comforts me. God the Son - in his life and death he saved me. God the Spirit - in my heart he sustains me. I believe in the mystery of the three. Amen.

I believe God the Father has a plan for us all, It may not be what we have planned. He knows how we may be disappointed But we need to accept he has our best interests in the long term. He will always be there in difficult times.
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God is love. God is kind. A warm hug when you are sad. Understanding, not judging. Supporting. A smile in troubled times. Caring. True love is always there.
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I believe in the earth where we live; I believe in kindness in the world, I believe in everlasting peace.
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I believe in a presence who is there in all circumstances. I believe in a love that treats everyone equally. I believe in a power that can never be conquered.
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I believe in a greater being; God who gives us all we need to lead the life He needs for the good of all His people.

I see God in the mountains, in the stars and heavens,
I hear God in the thunder and in a symphony
I feel God in my bones, my head and my heart.
I speak of God in my voice, in singing and dancing.
I know God in the paths I tread And in the wanderings of my mind.
I look for God in His Word, His prophets and His beloved Son
And I believe in Him.
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I like to think my faith is strong - my belief strong - my love for God strong. I go through life knowing He is there through prayer when help is needed.
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God is my Saviour and Friend. Born of Mary and died and rose again to save me from my sins. God is love. God IS love. God is the creator who made this world - born in a lowly stable to be King Everlasting. He is my Saviour and Friend.
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What do I believe?
God the Father, God as Jesus, God in ‘Spirit’? 
All of these.
Where is God?
In the thunderstorm? In a baby’s tiny hand?
On the pavement with the homeless?
What is God?
The torch for my journey?
The lesson for my life?
The shoulder for my tears?
He is.
When is God? In all time?
In every moment? In everlasting life?
I believe.
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God is how I feel
All around, a protector
He listens to me and never judges,
He understands,
He is gentle and strong
He loves me.