A Royal Summer
25 May 2019 • Articles
Singing 'Happy Birthday' to fellow-members of our congregations, whatever their age, is often a popular part of Sunday gatherings in church. Although it might seem strange to interrupt our thoughts of God with thoughts of ourselves and our fellow-worshippers, part of the Church's function and purpose is to bind Christians together in fellowship as children of the same Father.
Each year June has brought us the official birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our monarch has continued to work faithfully and to give all her people a shining example of dedication to the role to which God has called her in our world.
Not only is our Queen the head of state of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, she is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Her Majesty's chaplains testify to her sincere faith and her deep concern for the spiritual welfare of her people as well as her caring about the nation's temporal well-being.In spite of the apparent splendour of the monarch's royal position, there must have been many occasions when our Queen has had to make difficult decisions and real sacrifices to stay true to her faith and her people. She has earned our respect, our love and our prayers: it is right and good that our national anthem begins with the words, "God save our gracious Queen".
Happy birthday, Your Majesty!
With every blessing,