Refreshment and Recreation
24 Jun 2019 • Articles
During July the Church remembers Mary, Martha and Lazarus, a family who were close friends of Jesus. Mary and Martha are famous because they inspired some serious teaching by Jesus about our spiritual health and well-being. When Jesus visited the family, Martha found so much baking and housework to do that she had no time to talk or listen to Jesus - the only attention she paid to him was to complain that her sister Mary was not helping with the chores! Mary was sitting close to Jesus, hearing and thinking about everything he said, and Jesus replied to Martha, "Mary has made the better choice, and what she has chosen will remain with her."
Summer is a good time for turning away from the busy duties of our everyday lives and letting our souls listen to Jesus. The better weather coaxes us out of our homes and shows us the beauty of God's creation, while the longer, warmer days encourage us to slow down, look around us and praise God. Every summer holiday should include some time just enjoying quiet fellowship with God, breathing in God's Spirit of holiness. It is good, too, to spend some time with other Christians, sharing our knowledge of God and rejoicing in his love.
A good way of meeting other people who care about Jesus is to spend a few days at a Retreat House or a Christian Holiday Centre. Some lovely places are Lee Abbey in North Devon, the Oast Houses in East Sussex, the Greenhouse Christian Centre in Poole in Dorset, and Scargill House in the Yorkshire Dales. The staff are always ready with a warm welcome, good food, walks and activities to join in if you wish, and kind conversation.
Be blessed by spending time with Jesus this summer,