Advent and Christmas
24 Nov 2019 • Articles
Advent is the time when Christians are waking, watching and waiting not just for another celebration of Christmas, but also for the return of Jesus Christ when this world finally ends. That may be very far off yet, but we know that our Lord will return in glory, and all human beings will see him as their judge.
At the first Christmas, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, only a few people knew that he was more than just another baby, another statistic in the Roman Empire's census. The Magi, the wise rulers who came from the east to find Jesus, knew that he would be the ruler of the world and they knelt to worship him, offering the best that they could bring from their kingdoms, gold, frankincense and myrrh. Herod, the Roman governor of Israel, feared anyone who might be any kind of king, so he tried to kill Jesus.
We are all called to decide what we think about Jesus, and what he means in our lives. Without Jesus Christ there would be no Christmas, so do join your fellow Christians in church to rejoice in welcoming him to our world; you will be able to sing your favourite carols and the children will enjoy learning about the angels, the shepherds, the kings, the Holy Family and the Christmas crib. At Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, or at a family service on Christmas Day, the annual services of thanksgiving bring Christians together as the Family of God, sharing the joy of knowing that Jesus Christ was born for us all.
With every blessing for Christmas and the New Year,