St Mary's Uttoxeter

June - the Majestic Month

24 May 2021 • Articles

Sixty-eight years ago, on June 2nd 1953, our monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

The ceremony was conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and attended by representatives from the House of Lords, the House of Commons, charities, welfare organisations, Commonwealth countries and many other nations.

Thousands of happy people lined the streets of London, excitedly waving and cheering as the royal procession passed by. For the first time, the Coronation was shown on television, giving the whole country the opportunity to see their young sovereign making her solemn vows to God and her people.

How fortunate we have been, for well over half a century, to belong to a nation which has had at the head of its government and its Church a person of diligence, grace, steadfast obedience, service and faith. Our Queen has given continuity and stability among the changing politics and parties of our civil leadership, representing loyalty, tradition and undaunted dignity for the leaders of the established Church.

As the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, with our Archbishops of Canterbury and York, our bishops and all the ministers of the Church, our monarch maintains the faith and order of the Church of England. This is vital to the life, health and growth of the Church, ensuring that all who call themselves Christians can learn the true meaning and significance of belonging to Christ's kingdom, worshipping God, and believing and trusting in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

May our monarchs always be blessed in their service of Christ our King.
