St Mary's Uttoxeter

Eastertide !

25 Apr 2022 • Articles

May brings us Eastertide and the wonderful season of spring, with new life appearing in fields and gardens, in trees and shrubs, and in our spirits and our souls.

On Easter Day Jesus defeated all the powers of evil and rose from death, showing us God's power and goodness and calling us to believe and trust in God.

Without the love of God and the grace of Jesus Christ each human life would end completely with death, there would be nothing beyond the grave and no hope of meeting again. Through the Holy Spirit each human being can receive new life, eternal and everlasting life, starting here and now, increasing and improving our earthly lives, crossing the barrier of death when it comes and continuing in heaven.

The life Jesus offers is free, as free as the air we breath on a warm spring day. But it does not come entirely without effort. Jesus said, 'No one comes to the Father except through me.' We need to know Jesus, to know what he did, to consider what he would do in our place in everything which happens in our lives, and to be united with our heavenly Father as he was. Go forward bravely in thought and prayer; progress as Christ's pilgrim, and the Christian life becomes as natural as breathing.

Enjoy the spring sunshine, and the occasional showers and gales, they are all necessary for the spring flowers to bud and grow. Enjoy looking forward to summertime, it is not far away. Most of all, enjoy being a child of God, trusting your heavenly Father to bless you and to see you safely through this life to the next.

With every blessing for Eastertide,
