St Mary's Uttoxeter

The Servant Queen - giving thanks

1 Jul 2022 • Articles

Dear friends,

As I write this letter the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations are drawing to a close and I hope that you all have been enjoying the festivities. We have given thanks for the Queen’s unswerving loyalty to a servant role, which she never envisaged in her early life, her example of faith, the undoubted good she has done in strengthening links with other countries as Head of the Commonwealth, through visits abroad andi n receiving guests from overseas.

As the ancient Israelites rejoiced in their Year of Jubilee, when debtors were released from all that they owed and so given a fresh start, let us rejoice in the fact that we live in a democratic monarchy, where our Queen is not there to rule by “divine right”, but to serve her people as a symbol of tolerance, freedom of expression and integrity.

Giving thanks for our inspiring Queen is an opportunity to thank God for all that is so good in our lives. Our news is so dominated by the injustices and sadness of the world – violence, disaster, war, terrorism - that it is so easy to be blind to the many joys and acts of goodness and love that are there in everyday life – the dedication of the caring professions, the work of countless charities, good neighbourliness, family love.

God made the world “and it was very good!” says the first chapter of Genesis. And so it is!

How often our prayers are dominated by requests for help! Perhaps this month we could vow to give God praise, not only for this wonderful created world, but also for the continued acts of love which we witness in lives through whom he works and makes his presence known to us.

Talking of “Inspiration”, I am looking forward to visiting the cathedral with Year 4 from Hutchinson Memorial School later this month as they take part in the “Inspire” event there. This will be an opportunity for pupils to spend an interactive and educational day to learn about core Christian belief, its uniqueness and its ability to encourage us to use our lives in the service of others. Going to such a large centre of worship is bound to be a good experience for the children and they will have an opportunity to reflect on faith and learn new things in a different environment. I’m sure that our Queen would approve of this!

Love and peace,


Rev Irene Smith, OLM in the Uttoxeter Area of Parishes and Minister at Checkley